Popeys big stick
He don't like it when you probe a bit does he!
Hot off the press the new membership secretary looks like it will be frampadoodle!!!!!!
Since there is a picture of me at the top of bigguns blog i thought i might add my tuppence worth. Just in case you dont recognise the picture - this is wife of biggun! helper to the BS - which i understand means Barbel Society - not all the cr*p that has been going on the past couple of months - not just this latest tirade of rubbish. you are all grown men and women but some - when given the partial anonimity of the computer in any forum - become worse than spoilt children. you should not need a moderator. you should be able to understand that any forum is not your personal playing field. if there is anything to be said of an inflamatory nature it should be private. in particular on the BS forum there is a considerable junior memebership who look to their peers - you "grown ups" for help and inspiration. if they see you calling each other names it shows them its ok for them to do it too. is this what you really want to teach the younger generation? to my mind the way the BS forum is set up is as a family culture. but if you want to make it a club where anything goes i it should have a disclaimer at sign in saying "adult content - some posts may offend!".
Well after nearly 5 years on the Barbel Society Committee, 1st as website Editor then as Membership Secretary and now combining the Fisheries Managers post. I have decided enough is enough.
I have been a professional driver (taxi and bus driver) for 20 years now . Over the last 6 months I have had a pain that started in my right shoulder which has now moved up through my neck and into my head and in a morning my fingers are red and I have pins and needles in the tips. My cervical vertebrae crack and groan every time I move my head making me think it is gonna fall off and roll off down the bus! . I had been fearing the worse (brain tumour 6 weeks to live!)